Monophthongs - short vowels

/ɪ/ This is a short vowel. The lips and tongue are quite relaxed.

/e/ This is a short vowel. The lips pull outwards a bit. The mouth is quite open. The tongue sits behind the lower teeth.

/æ/ This is a short vowel. The lips pull outwards. The mouth is open. The tongue sits behind the lower teeth.

/ə/ This is a short, lazy sound for lazy syllables. The mouth is very relaxed.

/ʌ/ This is a short vowel. The lips are relaxed. The tongue is in the centre of the mouth. The mouth opens more than for the schwa.

/ʊ/ This is a short vowel. The lips are much more relaxed than you might expect.

/ɒ/ This is a short vowel. The lips are rounded and the tongue pulled backwards. The mouth is more open than /ɔː/ in 'thought'.