son = sun
Did you know that the O in SON sounds like the U in SUN? Find out more below!
- Introduction
- Words
- Sentences
1. Introduction
These words are spelled with 'o' but are pronounced like the /ʌ/ in sun, not the /ɒ/ in dog. Listen to the difference:
These words are very commonly mispronounced, but do not cause any major confusion. I cannot find a rule for this group, which is why it is difficult to put them in any useful order... I'm afraid you will have to learn them by heart!
If you find a word that should be on this list - but isn't - please let me know!
2. Words
Note that one starts with a 'w' sound: /wʌn/. This is the same as in once /wʌns/:
Be careful to say wonder /ˈwʌndə/ and not wander /ˈwɒndə/...
In the next two words, the 'gh' is silent: /ˈbʌrə/ /ˈθʌrə/
3. Sentences
My brother is my mother's son.
On Monday, I start at another company in London. (The second 'o' in London is a schwa /ə/).
I've done one of the tasks, but you've done none!
Last month I had nothing, but the other day I won some money! (We could also use the schwa in some)
The other team discovered a government cover-up...
Don't worry about the front cover - we'll change the colour.
My stomach was very uncomfortable, after a dozen slices of Victoria Sponge!